As a Talent Manger or Talent Agency, you can use our bulk import feature to easily add a list of influencers.
1. Click the Talent Agency dropdown on the left menu
2. Click Our Influencers
3. Click the import icon in the top right corner of the screen:
4. Download the CSV template by clicking Download example
5. Fill out the CSV following the template format that requires the following information of each influencer:
First name, last name, e-mail, country, bio, address, specialties [see complete list here], PayPal e-mail, payment type preference [cash, product, or both], minimum accepted cash value and minimum accepted product value
6. Once completed, save the file
7. Click Browse, select your revised CSV file and click Import
Important: Once influencers have been approved and successfully added to our system, they will automatically be associated with your Talent Agency and will receive e-mails to the listed addresses prompting them to log in and finish setting up their profiles.
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