If you have received an invitation to collaborate with a brand in a campaign using Intellifluence, follow these simple steps to get started:
1. If you have not joined Intellifluence yet: within the private campaign details screen, click the orange Register as an Influencer button on the web app (or the Let's Get Started! link on mobile). If you are already an influencer on Intellifluence, click the orange Log In button and skip to step 3.
2. Go through the guided registration process to create your influencer account (it's completely free to join and you keep 100% of your earnings!).
3. Once you are logged in, access the Marketplace (you should be directed here upon registering) and locate the applicable private offer. Click on the offer, view the details and click Apply to Campaign.
The brand can then view your application and if you're a good fit, they can pitch you.
If you don't meet the campaign criteria, make sure you have added the applicable social network (or blog) required for the campaign to your influencer account.
Check out our complete Knowledge Base for influencers if you need assistance or contact Intellifluence Support.
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