All communication related to work on Intellifluence should take within the messaging feature on our platform.
If an individual contacts you through e-mail or outside messaging service (i.e. Facebook Messenger, Instagram Direct Messenger), etc. regarding a transaction on Intellifluence, please follow these steps:
If the individual appears to be an influencer you are working with:
1. Within the message thread of the transaction you and the individual are involved in, request that they only contact you using Intellifluence (they will receive a notification that you have responded within the transaction).
2. If they continue to contact you off-platform or do not respond within the transaction message thread, please flag the transaction and our Customer Success team will get involved.
If the individual DOESN'T appear to be an influencer you are working with:
Please immediately contact Intellifluence Customer Success, provide a screenshot of the message you have received and we will investigate. Please do not respond to any messages off-platform as it can be difficult to distinguish between legitimate inquiries and attempts at fraud.
If you ever have questions about our messaging feature, Terms of Service or Community Standards, please feel free to contact us.
Further Reading
How does messaging for brands work?
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