When viewing the profile of an influencer, you will notice Website Metrics for influencers with blogs on the left side of the screen:
These website metrics provide an estimation of the overall value of a domain and can assist you in determining compensation values for blog reviews and posts.
Please note: Upon adding a blog, website metrics will not immediately show. Allow 3-5 days for metrics to begin appearing.
Here is a brief overview of each metric:
LRT Score: The LinkResearchTools Power score estimates the overall strength of the website's link portfolio and ranges from 1-10 (the estimated strength of the website increases with the number). To learn more, click here.
Domain Authority: Domain Authority (DA) estimates how a website will rank within search engines such as Google and Bing. The scale ranges from 1-100 and higher scores correspond to an estimated greater ability to rank.
Trust Flow: This metric by Majestic helps determine the strength and trustworthiness of links going to the website you are reviewing, which represents the overall perceived strength of the domain.
Citation Flow: This metric by Majestic predicts the influence a website has based on how many sites link to it.
TF/CF Ratio: This metric measures the ratio between Trust Flow and Citation Flow to determine the overall trust of a domain. Learn more.
SEM OK: The known number of organic search phrases used, estimated by SEMrush.
SEM OT: An estimation of monthly organic search traffic, by SEMrush.
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