Intellifluence currently supports the following social networks:
Facebook (Profile & pages)
We also support:
Marketplace Reviews (iOS, Google Play and more)
The different social media networks offer varying different types of content creation. Depending on the social media network, influencers can create a more visual-centric post, a long form post, a short form post, or some platforms make it easy to mix it up.
Facebook profiles and pages allow influencers to create long form, short form, and visual-centric posts. This is accomplished by Facebook putting a very generous character cap on posts (63,206 characters) and allows a seemingly unlimited amount of images to be uploaded as well (ok, it is limited, but the cap is over 1,000 posts per album). Facebook provides the opportunity for individuals to associate an emotion with a post such a love, happy, hate, etc and it gives an individuals following to react to the post with like, dislike and provide comments. Users of Facebook have the option to create a post that is all long form with no imagery, long form with imagery, short form with no imagery, short form with imagery, or just images.
Instagram is another social media platform that enables it’s users to create visual-centric, short form and long form content. Instagram caps posts at 2,200 characters, so you can provide a lot of written substance. However, Instagram only allows users to include a max of 10 images in a post. Instagram requires a user to upload an image or take a photo in order to create a post before any content can be added to the post. The audience of Instagram users has the ability to comment on posts and to like them as well. If you love to include hashtags in a post, Instagram is a great social network to utilize. Users of Instagram can tag their followers in a post by including @ before an Instagram username or by tapping on an image. Instagram also allows it’s users to create Instagram stories which disappear after 24 hours unless the user saves the story.
Twitter is another social network that allows it’s users to upload images and short form content. Unlike Facebook and Instagram Twitter puts a cap on the amount of characters an individual can use when creating a post. Twitter had a character limit of 140 characters allowed in a tweet but they recently upped the amount of characters allowed in a tweet to 280. Twitter is another social network that users include hashtags in their posts. Users of Twitter can tag brands and other users in their posts by including an @ before the brand or other user’s Twitter username.
Pinterest is a social media platform that allows its user to create boards of pins on a certain topic. For example, an individual can search for pins about interior design and pin them to their own board. You can also upload your own images on Pinterest and pin them to a board, share them with other Pinterest users, or even make the post and images public. By making the post public, the pin or board you create can appear on other users home screen. Pinterest is mainly a visual-centric platform as the amount of pins saved and created is limitless. However, Pinterest puts a cap of 500 characters for a description on a pin or post.
LinkedIn is a business and employment-oriented service that also allows for long form and short form social media posts. For posts, the headline character limit is 120 characters, the summary section has a limit of 2,000 characters, your position title within the experience section has a limit of 100 characters, and the description section within the experience section has a cap of 1,000 characters. Unlike the previously mentioned social media platforms LinkedIn allows it’s users to upload one image and that is the user’s profile image. It is not considered a visual-centric platform as only one image is allotted for each user.
YouTube is a video platform that enables users to upload videos. The default video length YouTube permits is 15 minute videos but that length can be extended by individuals going to and the web page says to make sure you are using an up to date version of your browser in order to upload videos over the size of 20 GB. However, as of November 2016 YouTube allows it’s users to upload the size of 126GB file or create a video that is 12 hours long. While YouTube is mainly a visual-centric platform it still allows it’s user 100 character limit for titles but most of the titles are kept within 70 characters. While the max title limit is 100 characters the description of YouTube video has a limit of 5,000 characters but only the first 157 characters will appear in a search.
Another visual-centric platform is Twitch as mainly videos are uploaded to this platform. Twitch users often stream live. Users are not allowed to upload files in order to create content. Users must live stream first and then the video created can be saved. While many people believe Twitch is more for gamers, individuals who just want to live stream and but if individuals wish to chat with their following or show off their artistic abilities Twitch offers these categories for live streaming as well.
Blogs are a great medium for long form content. Individuals are able to create long posts and upload images and include links in their posts as well. A blog is a great platform to use if you do not want a character limit imposed on you. Additionally, you can add images to a post as well. For example, you are writing a post about a trip that you recently took to Sydney, Australia. You may include images of some landmarks you visited, such as the Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bridge, or even Bondi Beach. Incorporating images in your blog post can improve the quality of a post as it depicts whatever you are speaking about looks like.
Lastly, Intellifluence supports Podcasts and SoundCloud for social media platforms. SoundCloud allows users to listen to music and podcast s and upload them as well. Keep in mind that when creating a podcast it is recommended that the length of of the podcast does not exceed an hour. The ideal length of time for a podcast is 30 to 45 minutes. Individuals who create a podcast can also include a description of the podcast but the description has a limit of 255 characters.
If you enjoy creating visual-centric content the best platforms for you would be Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, and Pinterest. If you prefer to create audio post than SoundCloud and other Podcast channels are for you. However, if you enjoy creating long form content and wish to include images within your post then Facebook and blogs are for you. Twitter is a great platform is you enjoy creating short form content while LinkedIn is a great social media network if you prefer long form content. As you can see, Intellifluence supports a variety of social media platforms.
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